
Content Journey Attribution

It can be challenging for companies to get into the minds of their customers.
Our product journey provides comprehensive insights into the different customer interactions.


Multi-Channel Marketing Attribution

In a multi-channel world, knowing where to allocate the marketing budget is integral.
Hence, incuda’s attribution model can provide a complete picture of user contacts across various channels to optimize costs.


Retail Industry: A Data-Driven Change

Traditional retailers need to reach and beat the constantly evolving industry benchmark.
How? By becoming a data-driven business!
incuda’s BI can help you hit the benchmark faster.


Web Shop: On the road to success with a good Business Intelligence solution

A fast and ready to use Business Solution is important for adapting to one of the key drivers for web shop optimization – a data-driven culture.
Find out how incuda’s BI helps clients make better decisions.


The E-Commerce is growing fast and its data-driven

To take advantage of E commerce in order to serve multiple markets, retailers have pushed for a rise on demand for BI platforms.
With incuda’s BI, you can get up to date information and link data from various sources.


Magic Quadrant "Renner Penner"

The role of category managers is getting challenging as they strive to meet the volatile expectations of customers.
incuda’s Renner Penner can help by giving a better understanding of buying cycles, overall potential market and changes in market trends.

Want to know more? Then get in touch!

Franz Posch | +49 (0)152 3363 6683 |

80333 | Munich | Karlstr. 43/II

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